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Monday, May 9, 2011

The 10th annual Bloomington 18th-Century Studies Workshop on "The Eighteenth Century and the Unconscious"

The 10th annual Bloomington 18th-Century Studies Workshop on "The Eighteenth Century and the Unconscious" will begin next Wednesday, May 11 and run through Friday May 13. All are welcome to attend. A schedule of panels and lectures is posted below. Because most of the papers for the Workshop are pre-circulated, you will need to register now online in order to receive the packet of papers. You can register via our website at:
If you have any questions about the Workshop, please feel free to contact Mary Favret ( or Barbara Truesdell (

The Tenth Annual Bloomington Eighteenth-Century Workshop, 11-13 May 2011: The Eighteenth Century and the Unconscious

Distinguished Alumni Room, Indiana Memorial Union
Wednesday May 11

2:00 Welcome

2:30-4:00    Panel I

Nima Bassiri (Wesleyan University Center for the Humanities)
"The Unconscious Dimensions of the Sensorium Commune: Material Subjectivity and the Eighteenth-Century Nervous System"

Fritz Breithaupt (IU Bloomington-Germanic Studies)
"The Rise of Conscience (and its Alternatives)"

Commentator: Tobias Menely (Miami University-Ohio -- English)

4:30-6:00 Panel II

Nathan Gorelick (Utah Valley University English)
"Origin and Repetition: The Early Novel and the Logic of Fantasy."

Saul Anton (The New School Literary Studies)
"The Historical Unconscious in Diderot"

Commentator: Hall Bjornstad (IU Bloomington?French and Italian)

7:30 Festive Dinner at the home of Oscar Kenshur and Margot Gray

Thursday May 12

9-10:30   Lecture

David Bates (UC Berkeley?Rhetoric)
"The Nature of Insight"

Moderator: Sarah Knott (IU Bloomington?History)

10:45-12:45:  Panel III
Thomas Dodman (University of Chicago History)
"Guerriers sensibles: fatal nostalgia and the late eighteenth-century unconscious"

Michael Drexler(Bucknell University English)
"The Four Discourses of Arthur Mervyn"

Helen Thompson(Northwestern University English)
"[I]t was impossible to know these People":  Secondary Qualities and the Form of Character in Defoe?s A Journal of the Plague Year

Commentator: Johannes Turk (IU Bloomington-Germanic Studies)

12:45-2:15 Lunch break (on your own)

2:30-4:00   Panel IV
Anne Pollok (Stanford University Philosophy)
"Building Personae: Moses Mendelssohn and the Unconscious"

Kevin Chua (Texas Tech University Art History)
"Chardin's Leibnizian Unconscious"

Commentator: Richard Nash (IU Bloomington?English)

4:15 -5:45 Lecture
Rebecca Spang, (IU Bloomington History)
"The Purloined Assignat: Contract, Signatures, and the Monetary Unconscious in Revolutionary France"

Moderator: Mary Favret (IU Bloomington English)

7:30 p.m. Banquet (Le Petit Café)

Friday May 13

9:30 -11:00 Panel V

Laura Mandell (University of Miami-Ohio English)
"Print Subjectivity, or History in the Case"

Heidi Schlipphake (Old Dominion University German)
"Reading the Surface: Polygamy and the German Enlightenment"

Commentator: Jonathan Elmer (IU Bloomington-English)

11:15-12:30 Wrap-up session, led by Dror Wahrman (IU Bloomington - History) and Mary Favret (IU Bloomington- English)

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