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Monday, September 12, 2011

Award/Fellowship Update

To make the application process more convenient for everyone, we have changed the process for submitting recommendation letters.  Students will no longer be required to upload their recommendation letters when they apply for an award or fellowship in Compass.  Departments who wish to nominate a student for a fellowship he/she has applied for, will be required to submit the required recommendation letters along with the nomination letter.  If all required documents aren't submitted with the departmental nomination by the deadline, the nomination WILL NOT be considered for the competition.  Thanks for your patience as we continuously work to make the process better for everyone involved.

Those students who have already accessed the Compass application system for this academic year will still have the requirement of submitting their recommendation letters.  They will need to attach a document with at least their recommenders name in each required field.  It will be up to the department to submit the recommendation letters on the students behalf if they are nominated.  These students will be contacted directly letting them know of the new process and that they should contact their department about getting their recommendation letters submitted.

Esther Kinsley Master's Thesis Award- 3 recommendation letters required from members of students research committee, 1 departmental nomination letter

Esther Kinsley PhD Dissertation Award- 3 recommendation letters required from members of students research committee, 1 departmental nomination letter

Grant-in-Aid of Doctoral Research- 2 recommendation letters required; 1 from the students dissertation chair and 1 from another individual knowledgeable of proposed research, 1 departmental nomination letter

Grant-in-Aid of Masters of Fine Arts Projects- 2 recommendation letters required; 1 from the students project director and 1 from another individual knowledgeable of proposed research, 1 departmental nomination letter

Indiana University Credit Union Dissertation Fellowship- 2 recommendation letters required; one from the students dissertation advisor and 1 from either the Chair or DGS of the students department, 1 departmental nomination letter

Irving and Shirley Brand Graduate Fellowship- 2 recommendation letters required, 1 departmental nomination letter

Santosh Jain Endowed Memorial Scholarship- 2 recommendation letters required, 1 departmental nomination letter Wells Graduate Fellowship- 2 recommendation letters required, 1 departmental nomination letter

Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.


Yvonne Dwigans
Administrative Assistant & Fellowships Coordinator
Indiana University Graduate School
Kirkwood Hall, Room 114
130 S. Woodlawn Ave.
Bloomington, IN 47405
812-855-8852 (office)
812-855-4266 (fax)<>

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