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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Call for Submissions: Diversity Research Symposium

Diversity Research Symposium: 


Sponsored by the Ball State University Office of Institutional Diversity and the Department of Psychological Science
L.A. Pittenger Student Center
Muncie, Indiana

Saturday, October 29, 2011
9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Registration Fees: Faculty, Staff, and Community Members: $50; Students: Free (spaces limited)
To Register, visit REGISTRATION


Attention faculty, staff, and students from all disciplines interested in diversity research and writing.  Would you like to:

  *   learn, interact, network, and share ideas with experienced and novice diversity researchers
  *   share with others how you have applied diversity research
  *   hear speakers from different disciplines talk about diversity research in the real world?

You are invited to submit a proposal to present your diversity related research via a poster, a 25-minute talk, a 50-minute talk, or a 50-minute facilitated discussion.  Papers and research studies already published and/or presented elsewhere are welcome.  Presenting at the symposium offers you the opportunity to share your diversity research with other participants and to be eligible for the following awards:

Creative Content Presentation Award: Outstanding poster or presentation judged to have the most creative and original content

Creative Methodology Presentation Award:  Outstanding poster or presentation judged to have used the most creative and original research methodology

GLBT Presentation Award: Outstanding poster or presentation judged to contribute the most to the knowledge and/or awareness of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered issues.
Each award winner will receive a certificate, and each winning poster/presentation will receive a check for $200.  The symposium committee will determine the best posters and/or presentations. You must present your work at the symposium to win.  Winners will be announced at the event.

Submit your proposals between 5/15/2011 and 7/15/2011. Visit PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS and enter the following information.

1.       Title of your presentation
2.       Author name(s) and status (e.g., faculty, staff, community member, graduate student, or undergraduate student)
3.       Your institutional or organizational affiliation, and discipline(s)
4.       Whether the proposal is for a poster, a 25-minute talk, a 50-minute talk, or a 50-minute facilitated discussion
5.       A summary of no more than 250 words
6.       A 2-sentence summary (to be printed in the program).

The 2011 Diversity Research Symposium will focus on application of research that involve cultural identities such as age, race, geographical location, ethnicity, physical and mental ability, socioeconomic class, gender, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, language, and their intersections in any discipline. Direct questions to Linh Littleford at<> or 765-285-1707.

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