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Saturday, June 25, 2011

National Science Foundation (NSF) Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (DDRIG)

National Science Foundation (NSF) Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (DDRIG)

The National Science Foundation's Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (BCS), Division of Social and Economic Sciences (SES), National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES), and the SBE Office of Multidisciplinary Activities (SMA) award grants to doctoral students to improve the quality of dissertation research. These grants provide funds for items not normally available through the student's university. Additionally, these grants allow doctoral students to undertake significant data-gathering projects and to conduct field research in settings away from their campus that would not otherwise be possible. Proposals are judged on the basis of their scientific merit, including the theoretical importance of the research question and the appropriateness of the proposed data and methodology to be used in addressing the question.

Application deadlines for Fall 2011 are below. Please note that NSF DDRIG applications must be submitted through IU's Office of Research Administration (ORA), and some parts of the application are due to ORA before the NSF program deadline.

Archeology: Anytime

Cultural Anthropology: August 15, 2011

Law and Social Sciences: August 15, 2011

Science, Technology, and Society: August 16, 2011

Linguistics: August 16, 2011

Physical Anthropology: August 16, 2011

Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics:  August 16, 2011

Economics: August 18, 2011

Decision, Risk and Management Sciences: August 18, 2011

Science of Science and Innovation Policy: September 9, 2011

Documenting Endangered Languages: September 15, 2011

Political Science: September 16, 2011

Geography and Spatial Sciences: October 15, 2011

Sociology: October 15, 2011

For details about each program and application, see the DDRIG Program Page and the full text of the DDRIG Program Solicitation NSF 11-547

If you are planning to submit a proposal to a specific NSF DDIG or DDRIG solicitation, please send an e-mail with the following information:
NSF program you are applying to
Degree type and year received (most recent degree completed)
Phone number (of your academic department)
E-mail address (your IU e-mail account)
Faculty sponsor name (your advisor)
A draft Excel budget

A Grant Consultant from the Office of Research Administration will then provide a budget review and guide you through the submission process.  The Grant Consultant will submit your proposal through FastLane once it is ready. For more details on the submission process, attend the workshop announced below, or contact ORA:<>

For assistance and feedback on a DDRIG proposal, make an appointment with a consultant at the GradGrants Center:

ORA Workshop for Graduate Students Applying for NSF Grants: DDRIG and DDIG

IU's Office of Research Administration would like to invite you to a workshop/presentation on submitting a National Science Foundation-Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (DDRIG) or Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (DDIG) on Wednesday, July 6th from 9-11 a.m. in the Office of Research Administration building located at 509 E. 3rd St., Room 050 (The building is on the corner of 3rd Street and Dunn Avenue, next to the BP gas station.) We will be presenting information and tips that will help you with the proposal submission process. There will also be an intro to Kuali Coeus.

This workshop is for students who are planning to submit to a specific DDIG program announcement in the near future. If this is you, please register at Educational Opportunities here: If you are just starting out and would like assistance in searching for various grant funding opportunities, please contact the Grad Grants Center at<>.

Seating is limited, so this workshop will be on a first come/first serve basis. Please also take a moment to fill out a Research-Related Conflict of Interest Disclosure form here: Don't worry if you can't attend this specific workshop-we will have more DDIG workshops at later dates. 

We look forward to working with you! -IU's Office of Research Administration

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