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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lecture Series at IU: "The In/Visibility of America's 21st Century Wars"

All talks will start at 7pm and will be in the Fine Arts Auditorium (FA 015).

Suzanne Opton "Many Wars: The Difficulty of Home" - Monday Oct 10

Mike Shapiro "War and the Arts: A Politics of Aesthetic Subjectivity"
Thurs Oct 27

Roger Stahl "Sticks and Stones: Digital War in the Public Mind" -
Thurs Nov 10

Diane Rubenstein "Virtual War" - Thurs Dec. 1

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

University Graduate School Internal Awards/Fellowships Deadlines

Recruitment Fellowships

Ronald E. McNair Graduate Fellowship
Graduate Scholars Fellowship
Adam W. Herbert Graduate Fellowship 
Graduate Women in Science Fellowship 

Educational Opportunity Fellowship (EOF)-  Students must submit an application to be eligible for nomination; the student application deadline is due by Friday, January 13, 2012.

Department nomination deadline for Recruitment Fellowships is Friday, February 3, 2012

Esther L. Kinsley Master’s Thesis Award
Student deadline:  All materials must be submitted online through Compass by Friday, September 16, 2011
Department deadline:  All materials must be turned into the University Graduate School by Friday, September 30, 2011

Esther L. Kinsley Ph.D. Dissertation Award
Student deadline:  All materials must be submitted online through Compass by Friday, January 13, 2012
Department deadline:  All materials must be turned into the University Graduate School by Friday, January 27, 2012

Future Faculty Teaching Fellowship
Student deadline:  Friday, October 14, 2011

Grant-in-Aid of Doctoral Research
Student deadline:  All materials must be submitted online through Compass by Friday, September 23, 2011 (Fall competition) and Friday, January 27, 2012 (Spring competition)
Department deadline:  All materials must be turned into the University Graduate School by Friday, October 7, 2011 (Fall competition) and Friday, February 10, 2012 (Spring competition)

Grant-in-Aid of Master’s of Fine Arts Projects
Student deadline:  All materials must be submitted online through Compass by Friday, September 23, 2011 (Fall competition) and Friday, January 27, 2012 (Spring competition) Department deadline:  All materials must be turned into the University Graduate School by Friday, October 7,
2011 (Fall competition) and Friday, February 10, 2012 (Spring competition)

Indiana University Credit Union Dissertation Fellowship
Student deadline:  All materials must be submitted online through Compass by Friday, March 2, 2012 
Department deadline:  All materials must be turned into the University Graduate School by Friday, March 16, 2012

Irving and Shirley Brand Graduate Fellowship
Student deadline:  All materials must be submitted online through Compass by Friday, April 13, 2012
Department deadline:  All materials must be turned into the University Graduate School by Friday, April 27, 2012

Santosh Jain Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Student Deadline:  All materials must be submitted online through Compass by Friday, March 2, 2012
Department Deadline: All materials must be turned into the University Graduate School by Friday, March 16, 2012

The Wells Graduate Fellowship
Student deadline:  All materials must be turned submitted online through Compass by Friday, November 11, 2011
Department deadline:  All materials must be turned into the University Graduate School by Friday, November 25, 2011

Application/Nomination Process
Students must submit their applications and required materials online through Compass (OneStart >> Services >> Student Self-Service >> Services & Information >> Financial >> “Bloomington Graduate Fellowship Application”).
The Fellowships Coordinator will email the student’s applications and required materials to the respective departments after all materials have been received.

The departments are responsible for reviewing the applications received and making determination if they wish to nominate the applicant for the award.  

All nominations must be submitted to the Fellowships Coordinator: Yvonne Dwigans,, by email in one pdf document per student.  If a department submits more than one nomination, please submit a separate pdf that includes the ranking for the nominations.  

Nominations must consist of the following: 
a. Letter of nomination from the Department Chairperson, or from a Faculty member designated by the Chairperson;
b. Any additional information the department may want to include

Upcoming Library Workshops

Join the IUB Libraries for Research @ the IUB Libraries: Fall 2011 Seminar, a weekly series of workshops designed to get you up and running with library research, whether you're a new graduate student, new to IU, or an experienced researcher starting on a new project.  Sessions include:

Week 1, September 5-9:  Information Landscapes: Experts, Specialists, and You
Week 2, September 12-16:  Information Organization: Core Resources
Week 3, September 19-23:  Keeping It All Together: Citation Management
Week 4-5, September 26-27:  Focus In On Your Subject Area
Week 6, October 10-14:  Copyright and Scholarly Communications
Week 7-8, October 17-28:  Research Clinics

We'll also be offering workshops on special topics throughout the semester.

To see the complete workshop schedule and sign up for sessions, go to and click on the current schedule link.  Additional workshops may be added in the coming days/weeks; watch for additional email announcements, monitor the website<>, and check out our online calendar of events<>.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please send a message to<>.

IUB Libraries Workshops
Reference Services Department
Herman B Wells Library

IU Asian Culture Center Outreach e-Bulletin

Remembering 9/11
Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2011
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
Location: Dogwood Room, IMU

Please join us in a panel discussion as we reflect upon the events of 9/11 and their ramifications for community, tolerance, and freedom. 

Special guest panelists include:
IU Professor Faiz Rahman, Jasjit Singh, Associate Executive Director, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF), Reverend Linda C. Johnson, Episcopal Chaplin to IU and President of the IU Campus Religious Leaders Association, and Rabbi Sue Laikin Silberberg, Executive Director, Helene G. Simon Hillel Center. Sponsored by IU Asian Culture Center, First Nations Educational and Cultural Center, and La Casa Latino Cultural Center
For more info, please email<> or call (812) 856-5361

CFP: "Come Together: Digital Collaboration in the Academy and Beyond"

Come Together: Digital Collaboration in the Academy and Beyond seeks to explore the relationship between digital technology and academic, activist and artistic collaborations. Our focus is on how these collaborations come into being, what challenges they present, and how they are reshaping both the academy and the world at large. While we welcome all papers on the topic of digital collaboration, we are especially interested in those that examine the ways in which technology enables work across disciplinary, geographic, cultural and/or other boundaries, those that identify and/or propose solutions to the barriers that still need to be overcome, and those that offer frameworks for innovative forms of digital collaboration.

In addition to traditional 20-minute papers, we also welcome proposals for round tables, workshops and non-traditional modes of information sharing such as online presentations and discussion. We are pleased to receive proposals from all interested individuals, regardless of affiliation.

Potential topics include:

   Digital collaboration between activists, writers, academics, artists, journalists etc.
   The impact of digital media on pedagogy and learning at universities and beyond
   The consequences of listservs, blogs, message boards and other forms of digital communication
   Modes of thought or artistic expression that become (im)possible through digital collaboration
   Copyright law and its effect on online collaboration, and vice versa
   The Internet as a tool for coordinating or suppressing social, political and cultural activity
   The “digital divide,” its consequences, and/or how it can be overcome
   The economy of digital collaboration, or Wikinomics

Individuals interested in presenting 20-minute papers should submit abstracts of up to 300 words, and individuals or groups interested in proposing a roundtable, workshop or non-traditional session should submit a 500 word proposal outlining the format and intended aims of the session. All proposals should be emailed to by September 25, 2011. The conference will be hosted at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario on May 11-13th, 2012.

For further information, please check our website at, or follow us on twitter @cometogether12.

IU Art Museum Tours and Visits Information

Welcome back to a new semester! Our art museum now has a beautiful new glass atrium ceiling.

If you wish to bring your class to the Indiana University Art Museum for a tour led by yourself, or for a docent-led tour, please contact Patsy Rahn, tour coordinator, at<> . Please provide us with: the date and time of your visit, the number of students, and the galleries you will be visiting.

It is important that you inform us of your visit for the following reasons:
*         We need to inform Security of all group gallery visits
*         We provide you with the necessary information to insure a quality visit
*         We keep track of tour information for grant and financial reports

As many of you already know, for a Docent-led tour we prefer at least a two week notice.

With a bit more notice we can customize tours around specific topics or themes. And keep an eye out for news on our Themester War and Peace tours.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions. We look forward to working with you!



Patsy Rahn
Tour Coordinator
IU Art Museum
Education Department
1133 East Seventh St.
Bloomington, IN 47405-7509

FAX: 812-855-1023<>

3rd Annual NOBCChE Research Symposium

Please join us for the 3rd Annual NOBCChE Research Symposium that will be held on Saturday, September 17th, in State Rooms East and West at the Indiana Memorial Union from 10am-2pm! This year?s invited keynote speaker is Dr. Theodore Goodson III, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Michigan.
 We invite undergraduate and graduate students to present research that they have conducted over the summer, presented at a recent conference or even to practice a poster presentation for a conference to come. Our goal is to encourage student networking as well as feature the diversity in research that is being conducted on the IU campus.

Not only will students have an opportunity to present their work but there will be a cash prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in both graduate and undergraduate categories! If you are interested in presenting a poster, please submit your abstract through IU's myinvolvment website (  or send abstracts or any questions to Paul Carey, NOBCChE President at<> by September 10th! Please include year in school and department in the email.

With your participation, this will be a great symposium and we look forward to seeing you there!

Virginia Smith
NOBCChE Liaison