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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

CFP: "Come Together: Digital Collaboration in the Academy and Beyond"

Come Together: Digital Collaboration in the Academy and Beyond seeks to explore the relationship between digital technology and academic, activist and artistic collaborations. Our focus is on how these collaborations come into being, what challenges they present, and how they are reshaping both the academy and the world at large. While we welcome all papers on the topic of digital collaboration, we are especially interested in those that examine the ways in which technology enables work across disciplinary, geographic, cultural and/or other boundaries, those that identify and/or propose solutions to the barriers that still need to be overcome, and those that offer frameworks for innovative forms of digital collaboration.

In addition to traditional 20-minute papers, we also welcome proposals for round tables, workshops and non-traditional modes of information sharing such as online presentations and discussion. We are pleased to receive proposals from all interested individuals, regardless of affiliation.

Potential topics include:

   Digital collaboration between activists, writers, academics, artists, journalists etc.
   The impact of digital media on pedagogy and learning at universities and beyond
   The consequences of listservs, blogs, message boards and other forms of digital communication
   Modes of thought or artistic expression that become (im)possible through digital collaboration
   Copyright law and its effect on online collaboration, and vice versa
   The Internet as a tool for coordinating or suppressing social, political and cultural activity
   The “digital divide,” its consequences, and/or how it can be overcome
   The economy of digital collaboration, or Wikinomics

Individuals interested in presenting 20-minute papers should submit abstracts of up to 300 words, and individuals or groups interested in proposing a roundtable, workshop or non-traditional session should submit a 500 word proposal outlining the format and intended aims of the session. All proposals should be emailed to by September 25, 2011. The conference will be hosted at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario on May 11-13th, 2012.

For further information, please check our website at, or follow us on twitter @cometogether12.

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