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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

IU Art Museum Tours and Visits Information

Welcome back to a new semester! Our art museum now has a beautiful new glass atrium ceiling.

If you wish to bring your class to the Indiana University Art Museum for a tour led by yourself, or for a docent-led tour, please contact Patsy Rahn, tour coordinator, at<> . Please provide us with: the date and time of your visit, the number of students, and the galleries you will be visiting.

It is important that you inform us of your visit for the following reasons:
*         We need to inform Security of all group gallery visits
*         We provide you with the necessary information to insure a quality visit
*         We keep track of tour information for grant and financial reports

As many of you already know, for a Docent-led tour we prefer at least a two week notice.

With a bit more notice we can customize tours around specific topics or themes. And keep an eye out for news on our Themester War and Peace tours.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions. We look forward to working with you!



Patsy Rahn
Tour Coordinator
IU Art Museum
Education Department
1133 East Seventh St.
Bloomington, IN 47405-7509

FAX: 812-855-1023<>

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