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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Upcoming Library Workshops

Join the IUB Libraries for Research @ the IUB Libraries: Fall 2011 Seminar, a weekly series of workshops designed to get you up and running with library research, whether you're a new graduate student, new to IU, or an experienced researcher starting on a new project.  Sessions include:

Week 1, September 5-9:  Information Landscapes: Experts, Specialists, and You
Week 2, September 12-16:  Information Organization: Core Resources
Week 3, September 19-23:  Keeping It All Together: Citation Management
Week 4-5, September 26-27:  Focus In On Your Subject Area
Week 6, October 10-14:  Copyright and Scholarly Communications
Week 7-8, October 17-28:  Research Clinics

We'll also be offering workshops on special topics throughout the semester.

To see the complete workshop schedule and sign up for sessions, go to and click on the current schedule link.  Additional workshops may be added in the coming days/weeks; watch for additional email announcements, monitor the website<>, and check out our online calendar of events<>.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please send a message to<>.

IUB Libraries Workshops
Reference Services Department
Herman B Wells Library

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