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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Association for Cultural Studies CFP: Crossroads in Cultural Studies

The Association for Cultural Studies is very pleased to release the  Call for Papers for the next Crossroads in Cultural Studies conference, to be held 2-6 July 2012 in Paris, France.

Conference details are below.  Submission forms for both papers and  sessions can be found on the conference website:

We look forward to seeing many of you in Paris next year!
We are pleased to announce that the 9th International Conference  Crossroads in 
Cultural Studies will be held in Paris, France, from  July 2nd to 6th, 2012, hosted by Sorbonne Nouvelle University and  UNESCO.

The city of Paris has a long and complex history as a crossroad  between cultures and peoples. Paris has played an important role in  the development and circulation of the works of authors and thinkers  that have shaped the postcolonial imagination in a significant way.  Drawing on their tradition of comprehensive and critical thought, the organizers seek contributions in the form of papers and panels that will continue to examine the intersection between culture, power and knowledge from within the framework of Cultural Studies.

The conference will also be hosted by UNESCO, the international  organization that has always championed cultural diversity and  difference. Given the long association between Cultural Studies  research and UNESCO, this conference should be an occasion for  Cultural Studies to look back on its own evolution as well as  explore new scholarly insights.

    *12 World-class Keynote Speakers from all over the world will  address the 
conference at keynote and plenary sessions. Among them,  Sarah Ahmed, Marie-Hélène 
Bourcier, Jeremy Gilbert, Achille Mbembe,  Walter Mignolo, Bobby Noble, Phaedra 
Pezzullo, Françoise Vergès.  With the participation of Stuart Hall and Jacques Rancière (to be  confirmed).
    *State of the art conference topics. All topics relevant to  Cultural Studies, especially new and innovative areas of research  are welcome.
    *Submit your proposal now! The call for papers and organized  panel proposals is now open. Check the submission guidelines and  submit before September 30, 2011.
    *ACS Assistance Scheme for Crossroads 2012. The Association for  Cultural Studies will offer a small number of grants to assist  participants from ACS under-represented regions with travel  accommodation or registration expenses.
    *Attractive and convenient accommodation in the heart of the  city of Paris and close to the conference venues. Cheaper campus  accommodation will also be available close at hand at the  International Paris University Campus.
    *Spread the news. Please forward this message to your colleagues  and friends! We look forward to seeing you in Paris in 2012!

Prof Éric Maigret (Conference Director) on behalf of the National  and Local Committees
Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris


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