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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

NELC Arabic Literature Seminar, Indiana University Lectures & Workshop, April 21-23, 2011

NELC Arabic Literature Seminar, Indiana University
Lectures & Workshop, April 21-23, 2011

Poetic Creativity & the Poetics of Translation

All events are conducted in ARABIC, and are Free and Open to the Public.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

2:30 – 3:45 p.m. Guest speaker, Prof. Muhammad Bennis, Moroccan poet, critic and translator, will give a seminar on the creative process in his own poetry for N709  Seminar in Modern Arabic Poetry, Woodburn Hall 205.

8:15-9:00 NELC/IU Art Museum: Intersections: Middle Eastern Poetries & the Arts, multi-lingual poetry reading of Muhammad Bennis’ works. IU Art Museum, 7-9 p.m.

Friday, April 22, 2011, 4-6 p.m.
NELC Arabic Literature Seminar 2011, Keynote Lecture

Prof. Muhammad Bennis
Muhammad V University, Rabat, Morocco
Between Translation and Composition
Slocum Room of the Lilly Library. Reception to follow.

Prof. Muhammad Bennis (PhD, Modern Arabic Poetry, Mohammad V University, Rabat) is a Moroccan poet and one of the leading proponents of poetic modernism in the Arab world today. Born in Fez, Morocco in 1948, he has taught since 1980 at Muhammad V University in Rabat.  He has published many poetry collections and critical works in Arabic and literary translations from French (Mallarmé, Georges Bataille) into Arabic. His stature as a major contemporary Arab poet has been widely recognized in the Arab world and throughout the globe.

Collections and selections of his poetry have been translated into French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Japanese and many other languages. His poetry has also earned him recognition in the form of many national and international awards, among them:  The Moroccan Book Award for his collection The Gift of the Void (1993); Atlas Prize for the French translation of his collection, River between Two Funerals (2000); Chevalier des arts et des lettres, France (2003); Calopezzati Prize for Mediterranean Literature, Italy (2006); Ferronia Prize for International Literature, Italy (2007), al-Owais Prize for Poetry, Dubai, UAE (2007);  Maghrebi Culture Prize, Morocco (2010); and, most recently, in March 2011 he traveled to Florence, Italy, to accept the 55th Premio Letterario Internazionale Ceppo Pistoia award for international literature, from L’Accademia Pistoiese del Ceppo. One of the foremost contemporary voices in Arab literary and cultural criticism, he is the author, for example, of the 4-volume Modern Arabic Poetry: Structures and Mutations (1989-91), Writing Erasure (1994), and Modernity Destroyed (2004).  See his website (Arabic-French-English):

All venues are fully accessible. For more information call the NELC Office at (812) 855-5993, and ask for Danie Becknell.

NELC Arabic Literature Seminar: Workshop in Poetry & Theory

Saturday, April 23, 2011
1-5:30 p.m.  004 Ballantine
Chair: Prof. Suzanne Stetkevych, Indiana University
Discussant, Prof. Muhammad Bennis, Muhammad V University, Rabat, Morocco

Panel I: Critical Approaches to the Classical and Andalusian Tradition
· Bilal Maanaki, Indiana University
The Story of Qays b. al-Mulawwah al-ma’ruf bi-Majnun Layla (pub. 1882)
The “Script” as Media for Selecting and Circulating Udhri Mood

· Anan Habeeb, Indiana University & Earlham College
The Religious Debate in al-Andalus during the 11th – 12th Centuries and its Effect on Increasing Nostalgia for the Holy Land in the Jewish Andalusi Poet Judah Halevi

· Mustafa Binmayaba, Indiana University
Toward a Classification of the Poetry of Expulsion from al-Andalus: Type I: Call to Arms and Refusal to Depart: The Mimiyyah of Malik ibn al-Murhal

Panel II: Critical Approaches to Colonialism & Modernism
· M. Munir Gibrill, Indiana University & Northwestern University
“Help!” Echoing the Cries of the Distressed and the Agonies of Friends.
Reaching the Water Hole of History by Al-Hajj Umar bin Abi Bakr bin Uthman Karchi

· Waed Athamneh, Indiana University & Claremont McKenna College, California
The Poet and his Double/Other in Selected Late Poems by Mahmoud Darwish

· Prof. Huda Fakhreddine, Middlebury College, Vermont
Poetic Creativity and Projects of Modernism in Arabic

All venues are fully accessible. For more information call the NELC Office at (812) 855-5993, and ask for Danie Becknell.

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