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Friday, April 8, 2011

Understanding Images Across the Humanities: "From All Sides":Portraits of American and Vietnamese War Veterans and Their Stories

The Interdisciplinary Research Forum on
Images and Public Culture: Understanding Images Across the Humanities

"From All Sides":Portraits of American and Vietnamese War Veterans and Their Stories

Jeff Wolin
Fine Arts
Indiana University

"From All Sides" is a series of portraits of American and Vietnamese war veterans along with their war stories. Some of the veterans from the contending armies were in the same battles and describe their experiences in disparate, sometimes contradictory, terms. The faces and voices of the Vietnamese veterans have largely been unseen and unheard. Along with portraits and stories of American veterans, this body of work provides a deeper understanding of war and its effects on soldiers from all sides and from contrasting perspectives.

Friday April 8th 2011, 2:00-3:30 pm
CAHI (College Arts and Humanities Institute) 1211 E. Atwater Avenue

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