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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Has Pakistan's Democracy Progressed?

Akbar Zaidi
Visiting Professor of International and Public Affairs
and of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Columbia University

Friday, April 15 at 5:30 pm
Dhar India Studies House
825 East 8th Street
(Corner of 8th & Woodlawn)


Unlike many other developing countries which have moved away from military rule in favor of strengthening democratic processes and institutions, Pakistan still struggles with weak democratic structures following its most recent period of military rule. This lecture will investigate why the country's democracy is in such a state.  Are Pakistan's political actors and civil society able to strengthen democracy in Pakistan, or will the chronic dynamics of a security state continue to determine Pakistan's political future? Has the United States played a role in strengthening democracy in Pakistan?  Has the War on Terror along with Pakistan's military compromised democracy? Do Pakistan's political and civilian actors have the ability to establish democracy at all?

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